

Smart Rail Transit Brings a Shine to Winter Olympics

LI Zhonghao
  • 作者信息:
  • Affiliation:
    Deputy Director of China Association of Metros Expert and Academice Commitee, Director of Former Minisry of Railways Infomation Techology Center
  • 栏目/Col:
时评 / Commentary



从1909年詹天佑设计建成的京张铁路到2019年开通的京张高铁,中国铁路走过了110年,如今与冬奥会交汇。2019 年12月30日复兴号智能列车从北京北站的副中心清河站出发,在100多米深的地下穿越八达岭长城,到达河北张家口,全程只需48 min。

2021年12月1日京张高铁延庆支线通车,从清河站出发,只需26 min就可抵达延庆站。清河站延庆站是集高铁市郊铁路地铁公交、出租车等多种交通方式于-体的综合枢纽。从延庆站乘摆渡车30min内即可直达延庆赛区各赛场。延庆赛区内的11条索道,为运动员观众提供高山交通网络,从小海坨山山脚下的延庆冬奥村抵达海拔2 198 m的国家高山滑雪中心仅需30 min。随着今年年底北京地铁11号线开通,北京赛区6个场馆(首都体育馆国家速滑馆国家体育馆、五棵松体育中心国家游泳中心首钢滑雪大跳台中心)实现地铁覆盖。北京张家口-延庆轨道交通网络由现代高科技提供技术支撑:

智慧旅客服务。该系统采用融合人脸识别、测温、健康码为一体的自动检测闸机,提供“三合-”进站服务;站区设置的开放式旅客服务中心、服务机器人、查询机等智能设备,将提供轨道交通冬奥会和城市之间的接续导航服务。冬奥会期间,消费者可根据自身习惯及使用偏好,选择数字人民币软硬钱包,实现交通出行、餐饮住宿、购物消费、旅游观光医疗卫生、通信服务、票务娱乐等7大类场景的数字人民币消费。借冬奥会的东风,轨道交通部门将投入中英文自动售票机、中英文售票APP;铁路12306 APP当前版本已预埋多语言功能,已具备上线应用示范条件,也许在北京冬奥会期间会给你带来意外惊喜。


智能装备领域。在世界上首次实现了时速350 km的高速动车组自动驾驶。通过全车设置的2700多个传感监测点,实现高速列车和运行环境状态的实时检测;通过运用数据挖掘技术推进了移动装备和基础设施的健康管理( PHM) ;通过应用云计算边缘计算智能分析等新技术,实现了数据云化存储、视频智能分析增强了安全保障水平。复兴号智能动车组具备5G信号接收功能,可满足奥运赛事直播要求。自2019年12月30日京张智能高铁开通以来,高速铁路ATO系统运行平稳、系统稳定,得到了用户的好评。



The workdwide beholding 24th Winter Olympies is opening in Beijing-Zhangjiakou on 4 February 2022. Beijing is the firstcity to have held both Summer and W inter Olympic Games in the world, and the first capital city to hold Winter Olympics in the world. However, Beijing is over 170 km away from Zhangjiakou Competion Zone, and over 70 km away from Yanqing Competition Zone,which arises atention towards solutions to transportation problem.

Beijng Winter Olympics has fabricated a green public transport network with rail transit 3 backbone. Visitors can arive at each arena easily by public transport means such as metro, high-speed railway and bus. To constnuct an efficient rail transit system with fusion of 4-network。high-speod railway, intecity railway, suburban railway and urban rail transit, it is nocessary to cary out planning and design under the idology guidance of system integration, itelligentization and smartness, green low-carbonization, and to formulate integrated planning between management system and transportation organization, across citics, provinces and multi-ple trangport means.

From the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway designod and completed by Zhan Tianyou in 1909, to the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-sped Railway baunched in 2019, China Railway has walked 110 years to this historial moment encountering Winter Olympics. On 30 December 2019, Fuxing Smart EMU departed from Qinghe Railway Staton of Beijing North Railway Station, traveling over 100 m deep below the Great Wall of Badaing, ariving t Zhangjiakou of Hebei province, taking only 48 min.

On I December 2021, Bejing Zhangjiakou High-speed Railw ay Yanqing Banch Line was scessfullyl launched. It takes only 26 min from Qinghe Railway Station to Yanqing Station. Qinghe Railway Station, Yanqing Station are integrated hubs coodinating multiple transport means including high-speed railway, suburban railway, metro, bus, taxi. Shuttle bus a Yanqing Sation has irect routes to every arena in Yanqing Competition Zone within 30 min. I1 routes of cable transport inside Yanqing Competition Zone provides mountain transport network for athletes and audience. It takes only 30 min from Yanqing Winter Olympic Vllage at the foout of Small Haituo Mountain to reach the Xinohaituo Alpine Sking Field locatod at an alitudeof 2 198 m. With Beijing Metro Line I1 starting operation by the end of this year, the six stadiums in Beijng Competition Zone ( Capital Indoor Stadium, National Speed Skating Oval, National Indoor Sadium, Wukesong Arena, National Aquatics Center, Big Air Shougang) will have all entered the metro covernage. Beijng Zhangjiakou-Yanqing rail transit network is technically supported by modern high technologies:

mart Passenger Service. The system adopts AFC gat that integrates bhuman face recognition, temperature detection, bealth codle scanning for entry service. The intelligent equipment set in station area, such as open passenger service center, service rob inquiry machine, will provide conection navigation service among ail transit, Winter Olympics and citis. During Winter Olympics, consumers can choose digital yuan online or handware wallet aconding to their own habits and preferences, enjoying using e-RMB in 7 major life scenes inctuding tranportation, food and commdution, shopping. sight: seeing, modical support, tleommunication, entertainment. Riding the wave of Winter Olympics, rail transit departments will launch CN-EN automatic ticket vending machine and CN- EN ticket APP. The current version of railway 12306 APP is already embedded with multilanguage functionality, ready for online demonstration and utilization. The delight Beijing Winter Olympies brings about might surprise visitors beyond expectation.

Intelligent Construction Field. During the construction of the system。through digitalized technical practice at each production link, with BIM technology application as core, a BIM-based design parametric ollaborative platform is constucted. Auto-collection and information interoperation of construction data is achieved on the engineering contruction management patfom based on BIM+GIS. It supports collaborative management, decision making assistance and trackable closed-loop management of construction quality among all partis involved. In the project of New Badaing Tunnel and Badaing Great Wall Railway Station, layered underground excavation eave group is innovatively adopted for station design and consruction. The itelligent construction of Qinghuayuan Tunnel adopts fllr-efabrication shield tunnel. Guanting Resservoir Bridge is constructed using factory contruction technology system of stel truss girder modularization, sautomation and inte ligentization.

Intelligent Equipment Field. High-speed EMU automatic openation at the sped of 350 km/h is acomplished first time workdwide. With more than 2 700 sensor monitoring points set on the whole vchicle, ral-time detection of high-speed train and operation environment condition is realized. Through data mining, PHM ( prognostic and bealth management) of movable equipment and in-frastructure is promoted. Through new technologies such as application cloud caloulation, edge computing, ntelligent analysis, the data cloud storage and video itelligeant analysis are developed, and safety guarantee level is enhanced. 5G signal reeiving functionality is equipped on Fuxing Smart EMU, meeting the live broadcasting demand of Olympic games. Since the launch of Beijing-Zhangjakou Smant High-speed Railway on 30 December 2019, high-speed railway ATO system is operating ably。gaining positive feedback from users.

On the Olympic branch line of urban rail transit Line I1, new technologies including FAO vitual flexible marshalling, active obstacle detection will be tested. By adapting train operation and revising train operation plan to meet passenger flow demand, the flexibility in directing train operation is elevated, as well as rail transit traveling convenience for passengers.

The intemetized, itelligentized , and low-carbonized rail transit i providing safe, convenient, fficient, green, economical taveling services, reshaping the traveling habits of pssengers. The Beijing Zhangjiakou- Yanqing rail transit network is presentingan uprecedented and immersive experience at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

(Translated by ZHANG Liman)
