

Groundbreaking Voyage into the Digital Era

HUANG Zhonghui
  • 作者信息:
  • Affiliation:
    Nanning Rail Transit Co., Ltd.
  • 栏目/Col:
时评 / Commentary



1) 以全自动运行为引领,全面推动智慧城轨的发展。南宁市2017年首次建设全自动运行线路,面临建设模式新、全自动线路开通案例少、交付安全要求高等困难通过以目标定位及运营场景为导向的设计、实施,最终实现了运行自动化、车站智慧化维护少人化的建设目标。近年来,以《中国城市轨道交通智慧城轨发展纲要》为指导,先行城市在开展全自动运行线路建设同时大力发展智慧车站、智能运维试点,推动智慧城轨的全方位、全过程发展。随着新技术发展我们更应处理好智慧城轨共性与个性的关系结合实际突出地方特色。基于此,南宁正在构建1124 N"智慧城轨体系架构,通过个统的体系标准,覆盖区域内全部智慧城轨系统以云平台、大数据平台为支撑底座,承载智慧服务智能运行智能运维、智慧管理四大核心业务,实现各核心业务的全息感知互联融合智能诊断及主动决策等N种应用项目,同时结合《中国城市轨道交通绿色城轨发展行动方案》开展"绿”“智”融合形成安全、便捷、高效、绿色、经济的新一代智慧城轨体系。


2)以科技创新为抓手,点亮企业高质量发展道路。科技是第一生产力,要使企业真正成为技术创新决策、研发投人科研组织和攻关、成果转化应用的主体,就要强化企业科技创新主体地位,加强企业主导的产学研深度融合。南宁充分整合轨道交通资本产业技术、人才应用场景等资源要素,开展"1+1 +1+N"科技创新体系建设1个创新平台、1个科创公司、1个科技产业园加上系列科技企业,以进一步加强智慧智能及绿色节能等方面新技术、新产品的研发和应用。人才是第一资源南宁市轨道交通也积极探索与高等院校、职业院校共建产业学院和工匠学院,建设面向东盟的留学目的地高层次人才培训基地和人力资源区域培训基地。科创引领,着力打造以轨道交通为骨干、以常规公交为基础,以云巴、出租车/网约车共享单车与慢性步道为补充接驳的“大公交”服务体系,不断提高公共交通系统的运营服务能力和水平。


2) 以国企改革为契机,助推城轨设备国产化自主化发展。企业数字化智慧化转型的本质是生产力和生产关系的重构;研发并应用拥有自主知识产权的国产化技术产品是新时代发展的需要。南宁市按照“因地制宜开拓创新、大胆探索、勇于实践”的原则,要求有关企业积极向国有资本投资公司、科技型企业转型升级,以投资聚产业以产业引人才,积极参与新能源、电子信息高端装备制造等重点产业研发创新产品并承载各种创新产品的转化推广实现产品化产业化,在轨道交通规划设计、建设运营等上中下产业上延链、补链强链通过产业链、创新链、人才链、资金链“四链”融合,打通科技经济融合发展通道建设创新驱动的科技型企业推动城轨设备国产化、自主化应用发展。



The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the strategic deployment for building transportation power, sounding the call of accelerating this process, and in the 20th National Congress, a specific chapter was dedicated to the major parts of the strategic deployment including refining the technological innovation system and accelerating the implementation of innovationdriven development strategies, emphasizing the principal status of enterprise technological innovation. ′Rail transit shoulders the transportation power responsibility′, Nanning Rail Transit Group carries out the concept in complete, accurate and comprehensive manner with the forceful will to advance and the courage to break the grounds. Leading by the ′peopleoriented, smart and intelligent, artistic and aesthetic, economic and reasonable′ design concept, the first FAO (fully automatic operation) metro line in Southern China is constructed and launched, making an effective first step in smart urban rail and technological innovation field. With the rapid exploitation and networking operation of nationwide urban rail transit construction, the whole industry is encountered by the challenge of transformation, upgrading and innovation. For this purpose, author believes that it is crucial to continuously improve and develop the following aspects:

1) Take FAO as guide and promote smart urban rail from all aspects. Nanning first built FAO line in 2017 and was faced with difficulties such as new construction mode, few operating FAO line cases, high requirements of delivery safety. Through design and practice guided by goal positioning and operation scenarios, the construction goal of automated operation, smart station, reduced maintenance personnel was achieved. In recent years, under the guidance of Development Outline of Smart Urban Rail Transit in China, the pioneer cities are operating FAO lines as well as promoting smart station, intelligent operation and maintenance pilot projects and the fullaspect fullprocess development of smart urban rail. With the development of new technology, we should handle the relationship between smart urban rail commonality and personality in a better way, highlighting the regional features according to reality. Based on this, Nanning is now building the ′1124 N′ smart urban rail system architecture. All smart urban rail systems within the range are under a unified system of standards. Four core business of smart service, intelligent operation, intelligent operationmaintenance, smart management are supported on the foundation of cloud platform and big data platform, realizing N types of application projects including the holographical cognition, interconnected amalgamation, smart diagnosis and active decisionmaking of every core business. Meanwhile, ′greensmart coalescence′ is carried out with reference to the Action Plan of China Urban Rail Transit Green Urban Rail Development, forming the safe, convenient, highly efficient, green, economic new generation smart urban rail system.

2) Use technological innovation as a grapple to reveal the path for enterprise high quality development. Technology is the primary productive force, and to truly make enterprises the principal of technological innovation decisionmaking, research and development investment, science organization and breakthroughs and research result commercialization, it is necessary to consolidate the principal status of enterprise technological innovation and deepen the integration of production, education and research lead by enterprises. Nanning fully integrates the resource factors including capital, industry, technology, talents and application scenarios and carries out the ′1+1+1+N′ technological innovation system construction, which is referring to 1 innovation platform, 1 technological innovation firm, 1 hightech industry park and a series of technology enterprises to further strengthen the development and application of new products and technologies in smart, intelligent, green and energysaving aspects. Talents are the primary resource, and Nanning Rail Transit is proactively exploring cooperative establishment of industry college and craftsmanship college with higher education and vocational education schools, and is building studying abroad destinations to Association of Southeast Asian Nations, highlevel talent training bases and human resource regional training bases. Technological innovation takes the lead and exerts efforts in building a ′mass public transport′ service system with rail transit as backbone, regular transit as base and skyshuttle bus, taxi/online ridehailing, shared bike and pedestrian as auxiliary means for interchange, elevating the operation service ability and level of public transport system.

3) Regard the reformation of stateowned enterprises as a trigger to promote rail transit equipment domestication and independent development. Enterprise digital and smart transformation aligns with the essence of reconstructing production forces and relations. To research, develop and apply selfowned intellectual property, domesticated technologies and products is necessary for new era development. According to the principle of ′adaptive to site, exploitative innovation, audacious exploration, decisive implementation′, Nanning has put forward requirements to associated enterprises about actively transforming into stateowned capital investment companies and technology companies, so that industries are gathered by investment and talents are attracted by industry. By actively participating in major industries such as new energy, electronic information, highend equipment manufacture, developing innovative products and promoting the commercialization of them, the production and industrialization are realized. By extension, complementation and strengthening of chains in upper, middle, lower level of industries including rail transit planning, design, construction and operation, through convergence of ′4chain′, industry chain, innovation chain, talent chain and capital chain, the passage of technology and economy merged development is broken through and innovationdriven technology enterprises are built, promoting rail transit equipment domestication and independent application and development.

Nanning Rail Transit Group will continuously strive for the goal of forging the excellency of city comprehensive service provider, on board for a journey through hardship and endeavor, towards the future and beyond in high spirits and hopes. To actively serve and blend into the new development layout, it is urgent to take hold of the policy window period of infrastructure construction comprehensive strengthening and the strategic opportunity stage of technological and industrial revolution, so that a practical path that accounts for the corporation highquality development is paved. In the effort to write a new chapter of Nanning modernization construction in the groundbreaking era and to open up a new world of the marvelous Guangxi through diligent work, more constructive contribution will be dedicated to comprehensively build this modern socialist country.
