

Vehicle Selection for Rail Transit Line 19 in Wuhan City

ZUO Yudong
武汉轨道交通19号线工程近期与20号线贯通运营。该线是联系天河机场、武汉高铁站和东湖高新区的市域快线,同时也是一条机场线。19号线是武汉轨道交通线网中第一条市域快线,车辆选型对后续市域线具有示范作用。根据线路特征、功能定位,对列车最高运行速度、车型选择、列车编组、站席标准、车门、城市值机(行李托运)条件等进行了研究,确定了19号线的车辆选型方案为:最高运行速度120 km/h(线路预留140 km/h条件),6节编组A型车,DC 1 500 V架空接触网供电,具备较高乘坐舒适度且能满足值机的需求。
Wuhan rail transit Line 19 will connect with Line 20 in the near term, it is an urban rapid rail transit line connecting Tianhe Airport, Wuhan High-speed Railway Station and Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Zone, and at the same time the airport line. Since Line 19 is the first urban rapid rail in Wuhan rail transit network, the vehicle selection for this line has a demonstration effect on the follow-up urban rapid rail lines. According to the line characteristics and functional location, the maximum speed, vehicle type selection, train formation, station table standard, vehicle door, and the inner city check-in functions of Line 19 are studied. On this basis, the final vehicle selection scheme is determined as follows: the maximum running speed of the train is 120 km/h (reserved 140 km/h conditions), with 6 unit marshalling of model A vehicle and DC 1 500 V overhead contact line power supply. If so, the train will have higher ride comfort and meet the demands of inner city check-in at the same time.
引文 / Ref:
ZUO Yudong.Vehicle Selection for Rail Transit Line 19 in Wuhan City[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(05):85.