

Reinforcement Design of Urban Rail Transit Monolithic Roadbed with Connected-block Sleepers

YU Peng
Considering the shortage of long and short sleepers in the construction and operation of urban rail transit, a new metro connected-block sleeper is designed based on the characteristics of narrow section of subway tunnel, high limit of track structure, inconvenience of construction and transportation. Then, combined with the characteristics of connected-block sleeper and the relevant metro standards, a reinforcement design of metro monolithic roadbed in the tunnel, on the roadbed and bridge is implemented. The concrete of the monolithic roadbed in tunnel will not crack under the load combination, and the steel is configured according to the structure. While the concrete of the monolithic roadbed on bridge and road will crack under the load combination, so the monolithic roadbed reinforcement is controlled by the limit of the crack.
引文 / Ref:
YU Peng.Reinforcement Design of Urban Rail Transit Monolithic Roadbed with Connected-block Sleepers[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(05):171.