

Experimental Research on Fire Extinguishing by High Pressure Water Mist with Different Injection Strategies

MA JunyanNIE BoAN ZhongliangCHANG XuedeCHEN Bodong
Experiments were conducted to study the mechanism of extinguishing gasoline pool fire with high pressure water mist, and the functioning characteristics of continue injection and pulse injection towards suppressing gasoline pool fire were compared. A confined space laboratory was set up, the water mist injection strategy was able to be changed through PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control and to be switched between continue injection and pulse injection. The core mechanism for water mist to put out gasoline pool fire lies in indoor hypoxia and surface temperature cooling. Test results have shown that pulse injection can extinguish gasoline pool fire more effectively than continue injection under confined space open door status; compared to continue injection, pulse one demonstrates a slow start and a later faster speed throughout the process; pulse injection has higher cooling rate than continue one; pulse injection can inhibit the formation of CO in the fire scene more effectively.
引文 / Ref:
MA Junyan,NIE Bo,AN Zhongliang,et al.Experimental Research on Fire Extinguishing by High Pressure Water Mist with Different Injection Strategies[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(2):137.