

Review of Fault Prediction and Health Management for Rail Vehicle Door System

XU Wanbao
车门系统是城市轨道交通车辆系统中的一个重要子系统,而故障预测和健康管理是保障车门系统安全可靠的重要手段。从城市轨道交通车门系统结构出发,将车门典型故障进行分类,包括开关门障碍检测故障、关锁到位开关故障、3 秒不解锁故障、电机位置编码器故障及控制器驱动电路 MOS 管短路故障。针对各类典型车门故障,提出相应的故障预测和健康管理框架,内容包括数据采集、数据预处理、特征值提取、状态监测、健康评估及最优维护。
Rail vehicle door system is an important subsystem in rail transit system equipment,the fault prediction and health management are important means to ensure the safe and reliable operation of vehicle door system. Starting from the structure of the rail vehicle door system,the typical door faults are classified,including the switch door obstacle detection fault,the lock-in position switch fault,the three-second non-unlocking fault,the motor position encoder fault and the controller drive circuit MOS tube short-circuit fault. Aiming at the above-mentioned typical faults, the corresponding management frameworks of fault prediction and health management are proposed, the main points include data acquisition,data preprocessing,feature value extraction,condition monitoring and health assessment,as well as the optimal vehicle door maintenance.
引文 / Ref:
XU Wanbao.Review of Fault Prediction and Health Management for Rail Vehicle Door System[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(4):102.