Analysis of High-speed Railway Passenger Queuing Based on AnyLogic Simulation
ZHU WanpingHE Hong
Affiliation:Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic, 510430, Guangzhou, China
Key words:
实名制验证和安检是高铁旅客进站耗时最长的两个环节。以广州南站广珠城际旅客进站为例,根据调研数据建立“先到先服务”的泊松分布排队模型,并由此来测算排队旅客人数。以“零排队通行”为目标,利用AnyLogic软件,针对增加安检设备数量和提高设备服务效率对进站旅客排队情况的影响进行仿真分析。仿真分析结果表明,为满足旅客“零排队通行”需求,广州南站一层广珠城际进站口高峰期至少需要增加4台安检机,此时广珠城际旅客进站服务极限是1 800人/h;与增加安检设备数量相比,提高安检效率对进站旅客排队情况的改善效果有限。
Real-name verification and security check are the two most time-consuming steps in passenger arrival process. Taking the example of passengers entering the Guangzhou South Railway Station on Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway, a Poisson distribution queuing model of “first come first serve” rule based on the site survey data is established, then the number of passengers in line is calculated. Aiming at “zero queuing access”, AnyLogic software is applied to simulate and analyze the influence of increasing security-check equipment amount and upgrading equipment service efficiency on passenger queuing line. The simulation results show that at least 4 security-check machines should be increased to achieve the goal of “zero queuing access” during the rush hours at Guangzhou South Railway Station. At this moment, the service limit for passengers on Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Railway is up to 1800 people-hour. Compared to the increased security-check machines, the increase of security-check efficiency has limited improvement of passenger queuing line.
引文 / Ref:
ZHU Wanping,HE Hong.Analysis of High-speed Railway Passenger Queuing Based on AnyLogic Simulation[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(7):133.
ZHU Wanping,HE Hong.Analysis of High-speed Railway Passenger Queuing Based on AnyLogic Simulation[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(7):133.
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