

Design and Application of Virtual Simulation Training System in Urban Rail Transit Operation

CONG CongLI JunhuiQIN Kai
针对行车作业岗位培训目前面临的问题,基于Unity3D 游戏开发引擎、虚拟现实技术和数据库资源管理技术的城市轨道交通行车作业虚拟仿真实训系统应运而生。介绍了该系统的开发流程、功能设计与实现。着重描述了该系统所使用的3D建模、虚拟场景优化、场景数据同步及虚拟现实等关键技术。该系统搭建了集教学、多岗位协同训练、全场景漫游和自动考评为一体的教学实训平台,将岗位任务引领、项目驱动等职业教育的教学理念融入到实践教学中,能激发学员的学习兴趣,进一步丰富了相关专业的实践教学资源。
According to the problems of train operation post training, based on Unity3D game development engine, virtual reality (VR) technology and database resource management technology, a virtual simulation training system of urban rail transit train operation is designed. In this paper, by focusing on the key technologies like 3D modeling, virtual scene optimization, scene data synchronization and virtual reality, the development process, function design and implementation of the system are introduced. The system sets up an integrated training platform including teaching, multi-post collaborative training, whole scene roaming and automatic evaluation, in which the teaching ideas of vocational education such as the post task leading and project driven concept are integrated into the practice teaching, so as to arouse the learning interest of students and further enrich the professional practice teaching resources related to urban rail transit.