Multi-redundancy Design of EMU Train Human Machine Interface Based on Bidirectional Ethernet Loop
XU JieYANG Chuan
Affiliation:CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., 130062, Changchun, China
Key words:
中图分类号/CLCN:U298; U29\|39
HMI(人机界面)是列车网络控制系统的显示终端, 是司机和维护人员监控列车运行状态的重要平台,可实现列车运行状态监视、故障诊断和警报、数据配置和车辆控制等功能,是保证列车运行安全的关键部件。因此,动车组列车HMI多重冗余设计显得尤为重要。介绍了基于以太网双向环路通信的列车HMI多重冗余功能的设计和实现方法,包括硬件设备、车辆拓扑结构及HMI软件控制策略等冗余设计。全方面的冗余设计能有效保证列车运行安全,降低列车维修维护成本,提高列车运行的可靠性。
HMI (Human Machine Interface) is the display terminal of the TCMS system, and it is an important platform for drivers and maintenance personnel to monitor the running status of trains. It can realize functions of train running status monitoring, fault diagnosis and alarm, data configuration and vehicle control, therefore HMI is a key component ensuring the safety of train operation, and multi\|redundancy design of EMU HMI is evidently significant. The design and implementation of the multi\|redundancy function of train HMI based on Ethernet bidirectional loop communication are introduced, including redundancy design of hardware equipment, vehicle topology, and HMI software control strategy. Redundancy design of full aspects can effectively ensure the safety of train operation, as well as reduce maintenance costs, and improve the reliability of train operation.
引文 / Ref:
XU Jie,YANG Chuan.Multi-redundancy Design of EMU Train Human Machine Interface Based on Bidirectional Ethernet Loop[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(2):13.
XU Jie,YANG Chuan.Multi-redundancy Design of EMU Train Human Machine Interface Based on Bidirectional Ethernet Loop[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(2):13.
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