

Construction Influence Analysis and Control Measures of Shield Tunnel Side-crossing Adjacent Bridge Foundation

XU QianweiCUI YuebangWANG WeixingGONG ZhenyuHUANG ShanLU LinhaiXING Huitang
北京地铁8号线天桥站—永定门外站区间隧道施工过程中,盾构需要于K34+422.094~+534.308处近距离侧穿永定门西桥,穿越段地层以砂卵石地层为主。隧道在施工至K34+506.308里程时,距永定门桥最近处仅9.2 m,施工对桥梁影响较大,故有必要对盾构施工引发的桥梁结构安全进行评估。根据对盾构侧穿桥梁基础施工过程的动态模拟分析,得出了盾构穿越施工导致地层和桥梁结构变形过大的结论。鉴于此,提出了在靠近桥梁一侧的左线盾构隧道周围采取局部注浆的加固方案和对盾构掘进参数管理的控制措施。进一步的计算分析和现场实测结果表明,按上述工程措施施工,地层和桥梁结构变形均得到有效控制,从而确保了本工程的顺利施工,并为今后类似工程提供了借鉴和参考。
During the construction of the interval tunnel from Tianqiao station to Yongdingmen Wai station of Beijing Metro Line 8, the shield machine has to cross the West Yongdingmen Bridge in close distance at the mileage from K34+422.094 to K34+534.308. The stratum at the crossing section is mainly sandy cobble soil. The minimum net distance between the bridge and the shield tunnel is only 9.2 m when the shield arrives at the mileage of K34+506.308, of which the construction has relatively large impact on the bridge structure. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the safety of the bridge structure caused by shield construction. According to the dynamic simulation analysis of the construction process of shield machine sidecrossing bridge foundation, conclusion is obtained that the deformation of the stratum and the bridge structure caused by shield tunnel sidecrossing construction is too large. In view of this, a local grouting scheme to reinforce the soil around the left tunnel near the bridge and control measures for the management of shield tunneling parameters are proposed. Both calculation analysis and field monitoring results show that the deformation of the stratum and bridge structure can be effectively controlled if the above engineering measures are taken, thus smooth construction of this project is ensured, providing reference for similar projects in the future.
引文 / Ref:
XU Qianwei,CUI Yuebang,et al.WANG Weixing,Construction Influence Analysis and Control Measures of Shield Tunnel Side-crossing Adjacent Bridge Foundation[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(5):26.