

Design and Engineering Practice of Track Laying Line of Rail Transit Extra long span Bridge

DUAN GuipingLIU Jiahua
In view of the fact that the pre-construction reserved rail transit extra long span steel truss cable stayed bridge has a large deformation under the load, and the deformation does not suit to the rail transit designed line longitudinal section profile, according to the actual measured elevation of the bridge surface and the designed deformation of the bridge, the track laying line is redesigned on the basis of the designed longitudinal section profile of the existing line. While satisfying the basic requirements of limit and minimum track design height, the track profile and elevation under the new longitudinal section can adapt to the bridge deformation during construction, after completion of construction and under the action of train live load. Currently, the project has started operation and the track geometry is in good status.
引文 / Ref:
DUAN Guiping,LIU Jiahua.Design and Engineering Practice of Track Laying Line of Rail Transit Extra long span Bridge[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(5):42.