Economic Analysis of Reverse Construction Method of Underground Station
ZHAO Xiujie
作者信息:中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司, 武汉 430063
Affiliation:China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., 430063, Wuhan, China
Key words:
为合理选择城市轨道交通地下车站施工工法,通过分析3个典型地下车站的施工方法设计、数据和工程实践,获得以下结论:① 地下4层或更深车站,或基坑深度超过30 m的结构,采用盖挖逆作工法,相对于明挖顺作,土建投资可节省5.3%~7.5%;地下3层站,或基坑深度20~30 m的结构,土建投资可节省2.3%~5.4%;地下2层站或基坑深度20 m以内的结构,土建投资与明挖基本接近,逆作工法稍高。② 地下4层站或更深结构(基坑超过30 m,地质条件差,环境复杂)推荐采用盖挖逆作工法;地下3层站或是基坑深度20~30 m的结构,可以优先比选逆作工法;地下2层站或基坑深度20 m以内结构,一般环境下采用明挖法施工。
In order to reasonably select construction method for urban rail transit underground stations, through design and research, data analysis and engineering practice of three typical underground station construction methods, the conclusions are as follows: 1) For underground station with four floors or deeper, or structure with foundation pit deeper than 30 m, adopting cover-excavation reverse method can save construction investment by 5.3%~7.5% compared to adopting open excavation; saving by 2.3%~5.4% for three-floor underground station or foundation pit with a depth of 20~30 m; for structure of twofloor underground station or foundation pit depth less than 20 m, the civil construction investment of reverse method is close to that of open excavation, if not slightly higher. 2) Cover-excavation reverse method is recommended for four-floor underground station or deeper structure (foundation pit more than 30 m, poor geological condition and complex environment); cover-excavation reverse method is preferred for three-floor underground station or structure with foundation pit depth of 20~30 m; open excavation method is generally adopted for two-floor underground station or structure with foundation pit depth less than 20 m.
引文 / Ref:
ZHAO Xiujie.Economic Analysis of Reverse Construction Method of Underground Station[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(5):57.
ZHAO Xiujie.Economic Analysis of Reverse Construction Method of Underground Station[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(5):57.
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