Application of Netless Self-running Technology for Urban EMU
WANG ZichaoSHI RuiYAO HaiyingMA ZeyuMA BinruiLI JunWU Jian
作者信息:1.1.中国中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司, 130062, 长春;
2.2.神州高铁技术股份有限公司, 100044, 北京;
3.3.北京北交新能科技有限公司, 100044, 北京;
4.4.北京交通大学电气工程学院, 100044, 北京
Affiliation:CRRC Changchun Rail Car Co., Ltd., 130062, Changchun, China
Key words:
结合某城市新一代全自动无人驾驶市域动车应用项目,介绍了利用车载储能系统实现市域动车的无网自走行,既解决了市域动车在正线上因受电失败而导致不能正常运营的问题,又解决了市域动车因故停在分相区后只能等待救援才能驶离分相区的问题,实现市域动车的全自动无人救援。分析了市域动车车辆利用钛酸锂车载储能系统在AW3载荷条件下,分别在平直道上牵引15 km(隧道)以及在20‰坡道上牵引600 m(分相区)的牵引仿真计算,提出了对车载储能系统的能量和功率需求,并综合两种需求提出了系统解决方案。方案中提到除了满足牵引能量和功率需求以外,针对轨道交通行业对子部件体积、重量、安全以及智能化管理方面的需求,车载储能系统选择钛酸锂作为最终的储能设备;并结合BMS(电池管理系统)的功能讲述了高效合理利用车载储能系统,实现系统利用率的最大化。
Taking the application project of a new generation of fully automatic unmanned urban EMU in certain city, netless selfrunning function of urban EMU achieved by adopting on-board energy storage system is introduced, which has solved the problem of urban EMU abnormal operation on the trunk line due to electricity failure, and the problem that urban EMU will park in neutral zone after failure occurs and can only exit with help of rescue, realizing fully automatic unmanned rescue for urban EMU. The traction simulation calculation of 15 km traction on straight path (tunnel) and 600 m traction on 20‰ slope (neutral zone) are analyzed respectively, under the AW3 load conditions of rban EMU vehicle using lithium titanate on-board energy storage systems. The energy and power demands for on-board energy storage system are brought about, and the system solutions that consider both aspects are put forward. Other than meeting the demand of traction energy and power, the scheme also mentioned the demand from rail transit industry for subcomponent parts size, weight, safety, and intelligent management, lithium titanate is eventually chosen as the energy storage equipment for the on-board storage system. With the function of the battery management system (BMS), how to make efficient and reasonable use of on-board energy storage system and to maximize the system utilization are depicted.
引文 / Ref:
WANG Zichao,SHI Rui,YAO Haiying,et al.Application of Netless Self-running Technology for Urban EMU[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(5):167.
WANG Zichao,SHI Rui,YAO Haiying,et al.Application of Netless Self-running Technology for Urban EMU[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(5):167.
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