

Inversion of Flood Plain Area Hydrogeological Parameters in Harbin Based on Analytical and Numerical Methods

LI LeiCHEN GanTANG PeiYAO DehuaDANG Fengrong
含水层水文地质参数反演的准确性直接关系到水文地质条件判别的合理性,影响地下工程地下水控制的方案设计、施工安全及造价。目前并无完全适用的解析法来计算水文地质参数。以哈尔滨地铁4号线一期第1标段漫滩区科技五街站抽水场地的抽水试验数据为基础,采用稳定井流Dupuit计算公式、非稳定流Theis计算公式和水位恢复法等解析法,计算出漫滩区浅层含水层渗透系数为35.9~71.3 m/d,平均值为54.1 m/d。利用FEFLOW软件建立了抽水试验场地地下水流数值模型,对水文地质参数进行反演,得到渗透系数为44.5 m/d。结果表明,通过数值模拟的水文地质参数反演结果与多种解析法计算的结果接近,进一步验证了水文地质参数取值的可靠度。
Accurate inversion of aquifer hydrogeological parameters is directly related to the rationality of hydrogeological condition discrimination, also affects the safety and cost of groundwater control scheme for underground engineering. However, it is difficult to find a fully applicable analytical method to calculate hydrogeological parameters provided by the existing regulations. According to the pumping test data of Kejiwujie Pumping Station in metro Line 4 phase I project built in the floodplain area of Harbin City, the steady well flow Dupuit calculation formula, unsteady flow Theis calculation formula and water level recovery method are used to calculate the permeability coefficient of aquifer in the floodplain area, the result is 35.9~71.3 m/d, and the average value is 54.1 m/d. In addition, the FEFLOW software is used to develop a numerical model and the inversion of hydrogeological parameters is performed, the calculated value is 44.5 m/d. This research shows that the inversion result of hydrogeological parameters is close to the calculated results of various analytic methods, therefore, the reliability of hydrogeological parameters is further verified.
引文 / Ref:
LI Lei,CHEN Gan,TANG Pei,et al.Inversion of flood plain area hydrogeological parameters in Harbin based on analytical and numerical methods[J].Urban Mass Transit,2021,24(10):54.