Numerical Analysis of Environmental Impact of Horizontal MJS Pile Construction in Water-rich Sandy Stratum
ZHAO BaohuaTan XinWang GuanghuiHuang MinghuaLi Tenglong
作者信息:1.中铁隧道勘察设计研究院有限公司, 511458, 广州∥第一作者, 高级工程师
2.广东省隧道结构智能监控与维护企业重点实验室,511458, 广州
3.湖南大学土木工程学院, 410082, 长沙
Affiliation:First author′s address: China Railway Tunnel Consultants Co., Ltd., 511458, Guangzhou, China
Key words:
基于长沙地铁4号线全方位高压喷射(MJS) 桩试验,采用流固耦合数值模拟方法研究富水砂土地层中水平MJS桩的施工扰动影响。对各施工阶段引起的地层超静孔隙水压力和地层变形进行分析,揭示水平MJS桩施工对地层环境的影响规律。数值模拟结果与现场实测孔压回归分析获得的趋势线基本一致,验证了数值模型的合理性。通过数值分析表明:在喷浆施工阶段,MJS桩孔扩张引起上覆土层隆起;在喷浆结束成桩阶段,MJS桩体受到地层压力产生压缩引起上覆土层沉降。施工诱发超静孔隙水压力幅值约为50 kPa,影响范围为桩体10 m附近,富水砂土地层中孔压增量消散迅速,能够在桩体施工时间段内基本消散完毕。通过MJS法的主动排泥装置将地内压力限制在可控范围内,能够使其诱发的环境影响较小。
Based on the MJS (metro jet system) pile test of Changsha Metro Line 4 as the background, the fluidmechanical coupling numerical simulation method is adopted to study the environmental disturbance from the horizontal MJS pile construction in waterrich sandy stratum. Excess pore pressure and deformation in stratum induced at each construction stage are analyzed. The pattern of how horizontal MJS pile construction influences stratum environment is revealed. The numerical simulation results and the trend line obtained by pore pressure regression analysis of the field test data are generally consistent, verifying the rationality of the numerical model. The numerical analysis shows that in the shotcrete construction stage, the expansion of the MJS pile hole causes the overlying soil layer to bulge; at the end of the shotcrete stage, the MJS pile is compressed because of stratum pressure and causes the overlaying soil layer settlement. The increase of pore pressure induced by construction is about 50 kPa, and the range is within 10 m from the pile. The increment of pore pressure can be dissipated rapidly within the construction period of the MJS pile. The MJS method of active sludge drainage system limits the stratum excess pressure within controllable range, which can make the induced environmental impact smaller.
引文 / Ref:
赵宝华, 谭鑫, 王光辉,等. 富水砂土地层中水平全方位高压喷射(MJS)桩施工环境影响的数值分析. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(4): 65.
ZHAO Baohua, Tan Xin, Wang Guanghui, et al. Numerical analysis of environmental impact of horizontal MJS pile construction in water-rich sandy stratum. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(4): 65.
ZHAO Baohua, Tan Xin, Wang Guanghui, et al. Numerical analysis of environmental impact of horizontal MJS pile construction in water-rich sandy stratum. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(4): 65.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
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