Beijing Metro Station Structure Design Detail Optimization and Advanced Waterproof Technology Application
BAO KaiLYU LiangGAO XincaiLI WeiweiJI Cheng
作者信息:1.北京市市政工程设计研究总院有限公司, 100082, 北京
2.中冶交通建设集团有限公司, 100028, 北京
Affiliation:Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute, 100082, Beijing, China
Key words:
Based on the engineering of Beijing Metro Line 16 underground station, the station structure design details and foundation pit construction process optimization experience are summarized. Considering the characteristics of engineering geology and hydrogeology, a safe, economical and applicable joint of diaphragm wall is selected. According to the stress characteristics of diaphragm wall, sectional reinforcement is carried out to optimize the support form of steel support end. Conventional sagging beam at the opening of escalator in the station public area is replaced by concealed beam to reduce the opening area of the middle slab. The practice of escalator in public area and triangle room under it is unified, and the usable area of station hall and platform floor is increased. Under the premises that the calculation results can meet the safety requirements of the structure, the method of invisible lifting rings is adopted. The super high pressure jet grouting method is applied to the underground excavation station in Beijing for the first time, and good results of waterproof and stratum reinforcement are obtained. Practical experience shows that the above optimization measures can expand usable station area, improve decoration effect, and save project investment under the condition of meeting the structural safety requirements.
引文 / Ref:
鲍凯, 吕亮, 高辛财, 等. 北京地铁车站结构设计细节优化及先进止水工艺的应用. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(4): 199.BAO Kai, LYU Liang, GAO Xincai, et al. Beijing metro station structure design detail optimization and advanced waterproof technology application. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(4): 199.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
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