

Full-scale Experimental Study on Suzhou Rail Transit Shield Tunnel Lining Structure

ZHA HongxingGUI LinQIN YiminLIU Xian
Targeting the lining structure of Suzhou Rail Transit shield tunnel, adopting pseudo-static testing method, full-scale experiment is carried out studying staggered-jointed shield tunnel lining structure under overload working condition. Test scheme design is introduced. According to experiment results, the condition and development process of structural deformation, distribution of cracks and damages, open of longitudinal joints and strain of longitudinal joint bolts are analyzed, as well as the structure damage mechanism. Test results show that Suzhou Rail Transit shield tunnel lining structure is under the following process: segment sectional bolts seam and edge concrete crashed in sequence of longitudinal joint at 168.75°, 101.25° and 11.25°. Finally, bending failure of tunnel segment at 270° appeared, which indicated four plastic hinges to appear and caused stability loss of the tunnel structure.
引文 / Ref:
查红星, 桂林, 秦奕旻, 等. 苏州轨道交通盾构隧道衬砌结构足尺试验研究. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(5): 1.
ZHA Hongxing, GUI Lin, QIN Yimin, et al. Full-scale experimental study on Suzhou rail transit shield tunnel lining structure. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(5): 1.