

Research on DC Short Circuit of Bidirectional Converter in Metro Traction Power Supply System

CUI BingtaoMEI GuifangZHENG YuebinMENG XiangjunNIU HuapengLI Pengxiang
New traction power supply system scheme with bidirectional converter is adopted for solving the problem of braking energy unable to be recovered in the current system. Considering the reliability of the power supply system, the features of short circuit fault of new system DC side are analyzed segmentally. Great risk of damage exists in IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) anti-parallel diode being in the freewheeling or natural rectification state. To protect the IGBT anti-parallel diode of the device, it is proposed to use additional parallel low-resistance power diodes in the power module and to set the DC side inductance to reduce the short-circuit current flowing through the anti-parallel diode. Finally, a simulation model based on the actual device is built, and the accuracy of the DC short circuit analysis is verified.