CRH5型动车组万向轴不平衡故障的 间接检测方法及判断标准


Indirect Test and Evaluation Standard for CRH5 EMU Cardan Shaft Imbalance Fault

CUI LitongZENG YimingCHEN LiangLI XiaofengSONG ChunyuanLIU ChuangLI Guodong
  • 作者信息:
    1.1. 中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司国家轨道客车工程研究中心, 130062, 长春;
    2.2. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技和信息化部, 100844, 北京
  • Affiliation:
    National Engineering Research Center of Railway Vehicles, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., 130062, Changchun, China
  • 关键词:
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CRH5型动车组万向轴不平衡故障不仅会引起动车组异常振动和噪声,还会降低轴承的使用寿命。对于部分未安装车载万向轴传动系统监控装置的CRH5型动车组,基于万向轴振动传递路径,分析了大量实测样本数据,提出利用车体地板垂向振动状态间接判断万向轴不平衡故障的方法,并提出了相应的判断标准。该检测方法以车体地板垂向40~65 Hz时域振动加速度滤波信号均方根值和40~65 Hz滤波信号在原始信号中的占比作为判断指标。相关测试结果显示,该检测方法能有效判断万向轴不平衡故障。
The cardan shaft imbalance faults of CRH5 EMU (electric multiple unit) not only cause abnormal vibration and noise, but also reduce the service life of bearings. For some CRH5 EMU trains without onboard cardan shaft drive system monitoring device, based on the cardan shaft vibration transmission path, large number of field measured sample data are analyzed and the method for indirect judgement of cardan shaft imbalance fault using carbody floor vertical vibration state is proposed, as well as corresponding judgement standards. The carbody floor vertical 4065 Hz time-domain vibration acceleration wave filtering signal RMS (root mean square) value and the ratio of 40.65 Hz wave filtering signal in the original signal are used in this method as judgment indicators. Relevant test results show that the test method can effectively judge the cardan shaft imbalance fault.