

Correction Method for Metro Vibration Distance Attenuation Prediction Parameters Based on Field Measurement

YANG ZhongpingSHAO MingyaoWANG GuanqunHOU HongJIANG MangzhouZHANGRuihao
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    Shaanxi Railway and Underground Traffic Engineering Key Laboratory (FSDI), 710043, Xi’an, China
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根据HJ 453—2018《环境影响评价技术导则 城市轨道交通》,为提升振动环境影响评价的科学性,以西安地铁4号线为例,获得其由地铁运行产生的振动源强和振动环境影响实测值。在已运营地铁线路的区间隧道和地面布设监测点位,根据经验公式对地铁运营产生的振动环境影响进行预测。基于振动环境影响实测值与预测值的对比分析结果,通过回归分析获得地铁振动环境距离衰减预测的相关参数。研究结果表明:当地质条件为冲积、洪积平原区的冲积地层,线路条件为直线段整体道床与圆型隧道断面,列车类型为6节编组B型车,列车运行速度为65 km/h的工况条件下,振动源强为78.8 dB,环境振动影响实测值比预测值小约0.8~4.9 dB;距外轨中心线5~10 m范围内,振动环境影响实测衰减值比预测衰减值大约4.3 dB;由回归分析法获得的地铁振动距离衰减预测参数a=-6.458、b=-0.074、c=4.410。
According to Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment—Urban Rail Transit (HJ 453—2018), to improve the scientific nature of vibration environmental impact assessment, the measured values of vibration source strength and vibration environmental impact caused by metro operation on Xi’an Metro Line 4 are obtained. Monitoring points are set in interval tunnel and on ground of the operating metro line, the vibration environmental impact caused by metro operation is predicted using empirical formula. Based on the comparative analysis results of the field measured and predicted values of vibration environmental impact, relevant parameters of metro vibration environment distance attenuation prediction are obtained by regression analysis. Research results show that in the geographical condition of alluvial stratum in alluvial or proluvial plain areas, when line conditions are linear monolithic track bed and circular tunnel section, train type is 6\|carriage formation of B\|type car with operating speed of 65 km/h, the vibration source strength is 78.8 dB, and the measured value of vibration environmental impact is about 0.8-4.9 dB lower than the predicted value; within 5-10 m range from the outer rail centerline, the measured attenuation of vibration environmental impact is about 4.3 dB higher than the predicted one; the prediction parameters a, b, and c of the metro vibration distance attenuation obtained by regression analysis are -6.458, -0.074, and 4.410 respectively.