Cost Analysis of Urban Rail Transit Freezing Method Link Passages at Preliminary Design Stage
ZHAN Bangyan
作者信息:上海市隧道工程轨道交通设计研究院, 200235, 上海
Affiliation:Cost Analysis of Urban Rail Transit Freezing Method Link Passages at Preliminary Design Stage
Key words:
Objective: Based on the ′Budget Quota for Rail Transit Engineering in Shanghai (SHA3312016)′ and the corresponding monthly information price, it is discovered that the cost estimation for link passage using freezing method is excessively high and significantly deviates from market price. Fundamental data including the actual engineering quantity and consumption of subitems in the quota are specifically analyzed, and modification suggestions are given.Method: Starting from the composition of engineering quantity and quota, the engineering quantity for existing link passage generic diagrams is checked and calculated, classifying fixed quantity and varying quantity, and identifying the functional relationship of the varying quantities. Considering the actual bidding control price, the cost composition of freezing method link passage is analyzed and studied, the fundamental cost is determined. The link passage length with or without pump rooms are considered in the cost composition, finally leading to a reasonable estimation of link passage cost.Result & Conclusion: By analyzing the engineering quantity and cost quota composition of link passage, adjustment is made to the consumption of materials, labor, and machinery in subitems of partial quota, which ensures that the link passage engineering cost is maintained at a reasonable level, providing reference for cost control at the preliminary design stage.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
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