Research on Visual Grounding Management System of City Rail Transit AC Catenary
ZHOU DanHE ZhixinJIN ShoujieLAI FengDENG Debo
作者信息:1.广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司, 510010, 广州
2.广州地铁集团有限公司, 510335, 广州
3.珠海优特电力科技股份有限公司, 519085, 珠海
Affiliation:Guangzhou Metro Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., 510010, Guangzhou, China
Key words:
Objective: To ensure the safety of city rail transit line catenary grounding operation, improve the quality and efficiency of maintenance work, it is necessary to carry out research on developing an AC (alternating current) catenary visual grounding management system (hereafter VGMS for short) with remote operation and realtime monitoring functions. Method: The existing rail transit catenary grounding methods and the safety hazards of conventional manual grounding methods are expounded. The research objectives of the VGMS are clarified, and the key technologies of VGMS are analyzed (such as online accurate realtime power inspection, power supply network topology safety interlocking, and dual confirmation of nonhomologous device states). A visual power inspection and grounding device suitable for AC catenary is developed, and the system operation process is illustrated using remote grounding as an example. Result & Conclusion: The remote VGMS solves the problems of low operation efficiency and inadequate safety assurance in conventional methods, effectively improving the safety capabilities of personnel and equipment in the operation and maintenance process, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of catenary maintenance.
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