Influence of Gusty Wind on Metro Train Operation Stability on Bridges in Mountainous Cities
ZU YatianZUO Haiping
作者信息:柳州铁道职业技术学院建筑技术学院, 545616, 柳州
Affiliation:School of Building Technology, Liuzhou Railway Vocational Technical College, 545616, Liuzhou, China
Key words:
在山地城市高架段运行的地铁列车容易受到阵风影响,导致列车运行平稳性较差,因此,研究阵风作用下,列车平稳运行的影响因素具有较大的现实意义。方法:基于Simpack软件建立车桥耦合振动分析模型;分析有无阵风、桥墩高度、迎风情况及是否设置风屏障这4个方面对列车运行平稳性的影响。结果及结论:①阵风作用下,桥梁高墩段比低墩段遇风更易激发车辆、桥梁系统的横向振动;与背风侧相比,车辆在迎风侧的动力学响应均较大,选择车辆运行在高墩段迎风侧可使计算阈值更趋于保守,有利于安全评估。因此,选择列车运行于高墩段、迎风侧工况,可使计算所得的动力学响应平稳性评价指标阈值的取值趋于保守,有利于安全评估。②设置风屏障措施对车辆动力学响应的改善较为显著,所有动力学响应评价指标均未超限。无风屏障条件下,影响车辆横向加速度的风速阈值为21 m/s,影响车辆垂向加速度的风速阈值为24 m/s,影响轮重减载率的风速阈值为20 m/s,影响倾覆系数的风速阈值为22 m/s。
Metro trains running on elevated sections in mountainous cities are susceptible to gusty wind, resulting in poor train operation stability. Therefore, studying the factors influencing train operation stability under gusty wind action is of significant practical importance. Method: A vehiclebridge coupled vibration analysis model is established using Simpack software. The impacts on train operation stability are analyzed from 4 aspects of gusty wind existence, bridge pier height, windward condition, and installation of wind barrier. Result & Conclusion: (1) Under gusty wind action, bridge sections with higher piers are more prone to excite lateral vibrations of vehicles and the bridge system than those with lower piers. Compared to the leeward side, the vehicle dynamics response on the windward side is slightly greater. Choosing windward side and high pier section for vehicle operation can make the calculation threshold more conservative, conducive to safety assessment. Therefore, the above working condition for vehicle operation is selected, making the calculated threshold values for dynamics response stability indicators conservative and facilitating safety assessment. (2) The implementation of wind barrier measures significantly improves the vehicle dynamics response, and all evaluated indicators for dynamics response remain within the limits. Without wind barriers, the wind speed thresholds affecting the vehicle lateral acceleration, the vehicle vertical acceleration, the wheel load reduction rate, and the overturning coefficient are 21 m/s, 24 m/s, 20 m/s, and 24 m/s, respectively.
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