

Comparative Selection of Component Types and Assembly Modes for PermanentTemporary Integration Prefabricated Metro Stations

LI YuhuiMAI JiaerSUN JingWANG LijunHE Guanhong
Prefabricated stations are widely used in metro systems across various cities in China. However, the research on PTI (permanenttemporary integration) scheme for prefabricated metro stations is insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the structural types and assembly modes in PTI scheme for prefabricated metro stations.Method: The scheme of PTI in prefabricated station is introduced, and types of component connections and assembly modes are discussed. An applicability analysis and economic comparison of prefabricated transverse and longitudinal beam components with different beam types (precast ordinary concrete beams, precast steelreinforced concrete beams, steelconcrete composite beams, and prestressed box beams) in prefabricated metro stations is carried out.Result & Conclusion: The PTI scheme can save construction time and costs. The use of hinged connections between the floor slab, middle slab and sidewalls can improve construction speed and accuracy. The prefabricated panels for roof slab and floor slab can be assembled in different modes based on stress conditions and openings. For smaller transverse spans, precast ordinary concrete beams offer advantages of wide adaptability and convenient construction. As the transverse span increases, the use of prestressed box beams can effectively control component costs, selfweight and dimensions.