Simplified Analytical Calculation for the Influence of Tunnel Excavation on Overlying Existing Pipelines
DONG Ruiqiao1SHI Zhanbin2
作者信息:1.中铁十八局集团有限公司, 300222, 天津
2.浙江大学滨海和城市岩土工程研究中心, 310058, 杭州
Affiliation:1.China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co., Ltd., 300222, Tianjin, China
2.Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, 310058, Hangzhou, China
Key words:
[Objective] When a shield tunnel passes under existing pipeline, it can cause settlement and deformation of the existing pipelines. Therefore, it is necessary to study the force and deformation of the overlying existing pipelines caused by tunnel excavation through theoretical calculations. [Method] Based on a two-stage method, a simplified calculation method for predicting the deformation response of overlying existing pipelines due to tunnel excavation is proposed. The method first utilizes the Loganathan function to obtain the free vertical displacements of the surrounding soil mass caused by tunnel excavation. These displacements are then applied to the axis of the existing pipelines. The existing pipelines are simplified as infinitely long beams supported on the Vlazov foundation model. Considering the influence of lateral soil mass on the pipeline, the analytical solution for pipeline longitudinal deformation is obtained using the finite difference method. [Result & Conclusion] The proposed simplified calculation method is compared with actual engineering monitoring data from existing literature, validating the rationality. A comparison with the results from the degraded Vlazov foundation model and Winkler foundation model validates that the proposed simplified calculation method is closer to measured data. An increase in the ground loss ratio and tunnel excavation radius leads to increased settlement and bending moments in existing pipelines. Increasing the angle between the new tunnel and existing pipelines reduces pipeline settlement but increases bending moments.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
- 下一篇: 深圳地铁全力推进各领域高质量发展