Analysis of Train Operation Efficiency of Urban Rail Transit Based on Train-to-train Communication Train Control System
DENG Zhixiang1WANG Cheng1XU Jun2JIANG Xi1
作者信息:1.中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司, 430063, 武汉
2.温州市铁路与轨道交通投资集团有限公司, 325088, 温州
Affiliation:1.China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., 430063, Wuhan, China
2.Wenzhou Mass Transit Railway Investment Group Co., Ltd., 325088, Wenzhou, China
Key words:
[Objective] The T2T (train to train) communication train control system in urban rail transit is a new type of signal system, and it manages and controls trackside equipment through resource management. To verify the superiority of the system, it is necessary to analyze the train operation efficiency under this system. [Method] In view of the characteristics of the resource management and safety protection principles for T2T train control system, the originally interlocking controlled double action switch is transformed into two single action switches, and ATP (automatic train protection) is achieved based on train precise self-positioning under reversal working conditions. The utilization capacity of line resources in the turnout area is improved. Under tracking conditions in line sections and stations, the train tracking interval is further reduced by utilizing the principle of relative speed safety protection and by inter-transmitting the real-time information of speed, acceleration, and position between the front and rear trains. Through the technological innovation in the above two aspects and based on the actual data from urban rail transit lines, operation scenarios such as reversal on scissors crossover behind the station, reversal on single crossover in front of the station, tracking in line sections and stations are simulated and calculated. The capacity of the T2T train control system in train reversal and line section tracking is determined. [Result & Conclusion] Compared to the traditional CBTC (communication-based train control system), the T2T has significant improvement in reversal and tracking capacity and other aspects, which enables it to be more suitable for urban rail transit lines with super large traffic volume. The T2T train control system is also particularly suitable for urban rail transit renovation projects as it has a simple architecture and requires less trackside equipment.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
- 下一篇: “融合”—城市轨道交通发展的关键路径