

Influence of Urban Rail Transit Interchange Station Location on Passenger Interchange Route Selection

JIANG Li1,2BAO Jiayao3GAO Ming3ZHU Wei1,2
[目的]城市轨道交通乘客实际出行中存在一些不宜量化的因素(如换乘站在线网中的位置等)。这些因素难以量化折算为城市轨道交通多路径概率选择模型中的出行路径阻抗,需要研究这些因素对乘客路径选择的影响。 [方法]根据换乘站在城市轨道交通路径中的位置将换乘站划分为居路径前段、居路径中间、居路径后段三类。基于手机信令获取得到的上海轨道交通线网乘客出行数据,选取其中的典型OD(起讫点)对及符合研究要求的换乘站,将多路径概率选择模型计算得到的选择比例与路径实际选择比例进行对比,分析得到不同换乘站类型对乘客换乘路径选择的影响规律。[结果及结论]与居路径中间换乘站相比,乘客更趋于选择在居路径前段、居路径后段的换乘站进行换乘,其路径实际选择比例较模型计算选择比例约高10%。构建多路径概率选择模型时,不能简单地将换乘因素量化折算为阻抗,应对各换乘因素进行综合考虑。
[Objective] There are some non-quantifiable factors in the actual travel of passengers in urban rail transit (such as the position of interchange stations in the line network), which are challenging to quantify and convert into impedance in the multi-route probability choice model of urban rail transit. It is necessary to study the impact of these factors on passenger route choice. [Method] According to the positions, interchange stations along urban rail transit routes are classified into three categories: near route front (forward path), in route middle, and near route end (backward path). Based on actual passenger travel data obtained from mobile signaling in Shanghai rail transit network, typical OD (origin-destination) pairs and interchange stations meeting research requirements are selected. The selection proportions calculated by the multi-route probability choice model are compared with the actual selection proportions, and the influence law of different interchange station types on passenger interchange route choice is obtained from analysis. [Result & Conclusion] Compared to interchange stations located in route middle, passengers tend to choose those located near route front or end. The actual choice proportion of routes is approximately 10% higher than the model-calculated selection proportion. When constructing a multi-route probability choice model, interchange factors shouldn′t be simply quantified and converted into impedance, rather various interchange factors should be comprehensively considered.