

Study on Delayed Lateral Displacement of Elastic Wheels in a Certain Type of Tram

WANG Riyi1ZHU Cheng1XIE Jiankun1ZHAO Ziliang1WU Hao1JIA Xiaoping1,2
  • 作者信息:
    1.中车南京浦镇车辆有限公司技术中心, 210031, 南京
    2.西南交通大学轨道交通运载系统全国重点实验室, 610031, 成都
  • Affiliation:
    1.Techology Center of CRRC Nanjing Puzhen Co., Ltd., 210031, Nanjing, China
    2.State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Vehicle System, Southwest Jiaotong University, 610031, Chengdu, China
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[目的]某型有轨电车在服役过程中出现弹性车轮迟缓线错位,对车辆的安全运维存在较大影响,故有必要开展相关研究。[方法]利用弹性车轮的质量检测、列车正线测试和仿真计算等方法开展试验研究,深入分析车轮迟缓线错位的原因。[结果及结论]弹性车轮的自身产品性能满足标准和服役要求,其稳定性和可靠性较高;列车在小曲线区段的振动水平高于直线区段,其中垂向振动加速度均方根值达2.77g;且在曲线区段存在300.00~450.00 Hz的振动主频,与弹性车轮的固有模态频率340.37 Hz相匹配,导致车轮与钢轨在该区段的耦合共振。因此,建议该线路在运维中一方面加强轮轨的润滑作业,另一方面提高小曲线区段钢轨波磨的勘察频次,以实现轮轨摩擦因数的降低和车轮运维环境的提升。
[Objective] The delayed lateral displacement of elastic wheels occurs in a certain type of tram during servive, significantly affecting the safe operation and maintenance of the vehicle. [Method] Experimental research is conducted using methods such as quality inspection of elastic wheels, train mainline testing, and simulation calculations to analyze the causes of delayed lateral displacement of wheels in depth. [Result & Conclusion] The analysis results indicate that the inherent product performance of elastic wheels meets the standards and service requirements, with high stability and reliability. The vibration level of trains in small curve sections is higher than that in straight sections, with a root mean square value of vertical vibration reaching 2.77g. Moreover, there is a vibration dominant frequency of 300 to 450 Hz in curve sections, matching the natural modal frequency of the elastic wheels at 340.37 Hz, resulting in coupling resonance between the wheels and the rail in this section. Therefore, it is recommended that in the operation and maintenance of the wheel-rail railway lubrication operations should be strengthened on one hand and the inspection frequency of rail corrugation in small curve sections be increased on the other hand to reduce the wheel-rail friction coefficient and improve the operating environment for wheel maintenance.