Leveraging Safety by Intrinsic Nature, Promoting High-quality Development of Fully Automatic Operation Systems
Affiliation:Vice President, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co., Ltd., Professor-level Senior Engineer
城市轨道交通FAO(全自动运行)系统通过信号、车辆、通信、站台门、综合监控等与列车运行相关专业系统的集成协同和联动控制,自动完成列车运行各种作业,正常情况下无需司乘人员干预。相比传统的人工驾驶系统,FAO系统提升了列车运行的自动化程度,具有安全、高效、灵活、经济、容易部署等特点。自1981年世界首例FAO系统——日本神户的港湾人工岛线开通以来,全球已有超过40年的FAO系统运营经验,国内也有10多年的FAO系统运营经验。据不完全统计,全球已有30多个国家和地区开通了110多条城市轨道交通FAO线路,总运营里程约为2 800 km,中国内地占比近1/3。据UITP(国际公共交通协会)预测,未来全球新建线路中将有75%的线路采用FAO系统,其中大部分增长将源于中国。据中国城市轨道交通协会统计,截至2023年底,中国内地共有21座城市开通了40多条FAO线路,运营里程为1 051.8 km,另外还有超过1 500 km的在建线路。
纵观FAO系统的发展和运营历程,FAO系统的优点比较明显,能大幅提高运营可靠性,可避免因人为误操作而造成的安全风险,并提升人员工作效率。但是对于能否采用无人值守模式还有争议,存在FAO系统等同于无人驾驶的认识误区。虽然通过信号、车辆等核心系统的状态监测、冗余设计、自动处置等功能以及各子系统间联动耦合功能的增强, FAO系统的信息全面性和整体系统安全性得到了较大提升,但是,目前阶段还只是基本实现了正常运行过程无需人工操作,还不能完全实现运行全过程无人值守监护。有些FAO线路采用的是全过程无人值守监护模式,其中存在的安全风险需引起重视。这主要是因为FAO系统部分应用场景的安全防护仍未全面执行到位,如:故障情况下自动恢复或是远程排故还不够成熟,对线路运行环境感知功能和应急处置功能还不完善,运营管理体系和运维模式还不够健全。
Urban railtransit FAO (fully automatic operation) systems integrate and coordinateprofessional systems related to train operations, such as signaling, vehicles,communication, platform screen doors, and comprehensive monitoring, to achievefully automated train operations without driver intervention under normalconditions. Compared with conventional manual driving systems, FAO systemselevate the automation level of train operations and are characterized bysafety, efficiency, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and ease of deployment.Since the launch of the world′s first FAO system in 1981—the Port Island Linein Kobe, Japan—the global FAO system has accumulated over 40 years of operationalexperience, with over a decade of such experience in China. According toincomplete statistics, more than 30 countries and regions worldwide havelaunched over 110 urban rail transit FAO lines, with a total operating mileageof approximately 2,800 km, nearly one-third of which is in mainland China.According to the International Association of Public Transport (UITP: UnionInternationale des Transports Publics), 75% of newly-built lines globally areexpected to adopt FAO systems in the future, with the majority of this growthstemming from China. Statistics from the China Association of Metros revealthat, by the end of 2023, over 40 FAO lines has started operation in 21 citiesin mainland China, with an operating mileage of 1,051.8 km, alongside over1,500 km of FAO lines under construction.
Examining thedevelopment and operational trajectory of FAO systems, their advantages areevident: significantly enhancing operational reliability, mitigating safetyrisks caused by manual operational errors, and improving workforce efficiency.However, there remains debate over the feasibility of adopting a fullyunattended operation mode, and a misconception persists that FAO systems areequivalent to driverless operations. While the information comprehensivenessand the overall safety of FAO systems have greatly improved through functionsof core systems such as signaling and vehicles, including status monitoring,redundancy design, automated handling, and enhanced interconnectivity betweensubsystems, these systems have only been automated to the extent of maintainingnormal operation without manual intervention. The end-to-end unattendedoperation with supervision is not fully realized. Some FAO lines operate undera fully unattended and supervised mode, but the associated safety risks warrantattention. These risks arise primarily because safety measures for some FAOapplication scenarios have not been comprehensively implemented. For example,automatic recovery or remote troubleshooting during faults is not fullydeveloped, environmental perception and emergency handling capabilities forline operations remain incomplete, and operation-management frameworks andoperation-maintenance modes are not yet sufficiently robust.
How to furtherenhance the intrinsic safety of FAO systems and continuously improveefficiency, especially in swift handling and recovery of high-densityoperational lines under abnormal working conditions to achieve ′fault-imperceptibleoperations′, is closely related to many factors including system design,construction quality, interface management, risk management-control,intelligent operation-maintenance, management modes, and standards andregulations. It is a complex system engineering task involving multiple joints,disciplines, and subjects,that requires refined scenario analysis, strengthenedrisk assessment and judgement, and technological breakthroughs. The followingareas call for exploration, practice, and advancement.
First, carryingout systematic research. Challenges shall be addressed at their root, throughsystematic research on design, construction, and operation-maintenance,including operational needs and scenario analysis, system integration design,interface management of disciplines, operational environment situationperception, system integration and joint commissioning, key equipmentintelligent operation-maintenance. Simultaneously, taking risks as an anchorpoint, technologies and management measures on risk management-control shall bedeveloped with specificity by thoroughly investigating and assessing risksassociated with various operational and maintenance working conditions,passenger behaviors, and environmental factors.
Secondly,overcoming technological barriers. The foundational logic of related systemssuch as signaling, vehicles, and comprehensive monitoring shall be delved into,actively leveraging emerging technologies like artificial intelligence toenhance FAO system operational efficiency. The redundancy design of keyequipment such as train, signaling, power supply, and platform doors shall becontinuously improved and automated isolation and restoration/remote handlingduring faults shall be enhanced to ensure higher reliability and stability ofequipment operations. Scenario analysis of obstacle detection in trainoperation environments for intrusion risks shall be refined, and developmentand deployment of long-range obstacle detection systems shall be accelerated tomitigate operational safety risks. Gap detection systems shall be integrated andinnovated for platform screen doors and train doors to address monitoring blindspots caused by different technological means, thus reducing the safety risksof human/object entrapment incidents.
Thirdly,improving the OM (operation-maintenance) management systems. Enhancing theoperational safety and efficiency of FAO systems requires not only advancementsin FAO-related technology but also the complementary and applicable OMmanagement modes. Systematic research efforts shall be exerted on OM managementsystems for FAO line networks of varying scales, such as establishingframeworks for standardized OM regulation, safety risk management-control, anddigitalized management support. Operational dispatch and OM strategies shall bedesigned in alignment with the number of FAO lines in the network. Jobstandards, post hierarchies, multi-responsibility positions, and talenttraining program shall be refined according to the OM modes.
As a futuredirection for China′s urban rail transit industry, FAO systems require allprofessional fields to leverage the intrinsic safety of FAO systems whilecontinuously improving reliability and efficiency, fostering technologicalinnovation and promoting advancements across related industries. Whetherretrofitting existing lines or building new ones, cities should adopt technicalsolutions involving FAO systems that suit local conditions, establishcomprehensive FAO operational management frameworks, and prioritize safety as afoundation for improving operational efficiency. Through thoughtfulapplication, the high-quality development of urban rail transit FAO systemswill be promoted.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
- 下一篇: 无人驾驶汽车技术发展对未来城市轨道交通影响研究