

Protection Measures and Effect Analysis of New Station Construction Crossing the Existing Subway Station at Zero Distance

LI Shihui
新建车站零距离穿越既有地铁车站结构,势必会对其运营安全及结构变形产生不可忽视的影响。以南京某工程为实例,明挖基坑开挖通过与既有车站结构间增设一排隔离桩、对称开挖,暗挖施工采用上下台阶法进行开挖、左右导洞对称施工。根据有限元数值分析基坑开挖引起的临近地表沉降和既有车站结构的变形,沉降最大值为9.8 mm,既有结构新增最大沉降量2.9 mm,累计沉降量8.3 mm,可确保既有结构的安全。
The construction of a new station crossing the existing subway station at zero distance is bound to have negligible impact on the operational safety and structural deformation. In the case study of a metro project in Nanjing City, the open-cut foundation pit is symmetrically excavated by adding a row of isolation piles between the pit and the existing station structure, while the buried excavation construction adopts bench method and the symmetrical construction of left and right guide holes. According to the finite element numerical simulation, the near surface subsidence and the deformation of the existing station structure caused by foundation pit excavation are analyzed, the maximum value of settlement is 9.8 mm, the new maximum settlement of the existing structure is 2.9 mm, and the cumulative settlement is 8.3 mm, thus the safety of the existing structure is ensured.
引文 / Ref:
LI Shihui.Protection Measures and Effect Analysis of New Station Construction Crossing the Existing Subway Station at Zero Distance[J].Urban mass transit,2019,22(4):81.