

Real-time Monitoring System of Shield Tunneling Based on OPC UA

HUANG HuiqunLIU XiaolongMA Jie
以分层结构实现针对不同类型盾构机的实时监测系统。其采集层以OPC UA(OPC统一架构)解决方案来完成实时数据采集和存储;实时监测数据通过Internet传输至数据服务器,由实时/历史数据库和关系数据库在处理层进行数据二次加工;表现层通过采用Java Script 和SVG(可缩放矢量图形)技术,进行Web网页的可视化展示。实时监测系统实现了对多台分布式盾构机的监测。
The real-time data remote monitoring for different types of TMB is implemented with hierarchical structure, in which the OPC UA solution is adopted to collect and store the real-time data in the acquisition layer. In addition, the real-time data is transmitted to the data server through Internet, and is re-processed in the procession layer by the real-time / historian database and the relational database. Finally, the visual display of the Web page is performed by Java Script and SVG technology in the presentation layer, to implement the real-time data remote monitoring system for multiple distributed TMB.
引文 / Ref:
HUANG Huiqun,LIU Xiaolong,MA Jie.Real-time Monitoring System of Shield Tunneling Based on OPC UA[J].Urban mass transit,2019,22(4):94.