

Impact of Tuned Slab Damper on Metro Line Low Frequency Ground Vibration Level

ZHANG LiwenLIU QiangWANG WendongSUN JianweiWANG BohuaLI Yuankang
介绍了一种在地铁线路道床板上安装阻尼谐振器以降低低频振动的方法。建立了道床系统有限元模型,分析道床板上安装阻尼谐振器的减振特性。在相同轨道条件下,对普通道床和安装阻尼谐振器的道床进行了锤击和在线振动测试,对比分析其频率响应函数。结果表明,在正常的地铁轨道条件下,与无阻尼谐振器道床相比,安装阻尼谐振器的道床板的低频振动可降低10 dB以上。
A method to reduce slab low frequency vibration by tuned slab dampers installed on metro track is introduced. By setting up a finite element model of track bed system, the performance of tuned slab damper on metro track is analyzed. Under the same orbital conditions, the ordinary track bed and the track bed with damping resonator are tested by using hammering and online vibration methods, the frequency response functions are compared and analyzed. Results demonstrate that compared with ordinary track bed without damping resonator, the metro track installed tuned slab damper can reduce low frequency slab vibration level by more than 10 dB under normal metro traffic conditions.
引文 / Ref:
ZHANG Liwen,LIU Qiang,WANG Wendong,et al.Impact of Tuned Slab Damper on Metro Line Low Frequency Ground Vibration Level[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(05):55.