DB 31/T 1013—2016《城市轨道交通地下车站环境质量要求》主要指标及其限值解析
Main Indicators and Limit Value Analysis of “Environmental Quality Requirements of Urban Rail Transit Underground Station” DB 31/T 1013—2016
XIE Xuebao
Affiliation:Shanghai Shentong Rail Transit Research and Consulting Co., Ltd., 200070, Shanghai, China
Key words:
介绍了DB 31/T 1013—2016《城市轨道交通地下车站环境质量要求》的编制原则及标准适应范围。结合国内外环境质量标准及专家学者的测试情况,详细解析了该标准中与人群健康密切相关且社会关注度高的温度、相对湿度、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)及菌落总数(空气)等6个指标及其限值。
The organizing principles and adaptation scope of the “Environmental Quality Requirements of Urban Rail Transit Underground Station”(DB 31/T 1013—2016) are introduced. Combined with the standards in the world and the testing results of experts and scholars, 6 indicators and their index limits are analyzed in detail, including temperature, relative humidity, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, PM10 and the total number of bacteria (air) in the standard that are closely related to people′s health with higher social concern.
引文 / Ref:
谢学报.DB 31/T 1013—2016《城市轨道交通地下车站环境质量要求》主要指标及其限值解析[J].城市轨道交通研究,2019,22(05):62.
XIE Xuebao.Main Indicators and Limit Value Analysis of “Environmental Quality Requirements of Urban Rail Transit Underground Station” DB 31/T 1013—2016[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(05):62.
XIE Xuebao.Main Indicators and Limit Value Analysis of “Environmental Quality Requirements of Urban Rail Transit Underground Station” DB 31/T 1013—2016[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(05):62.
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