地铁 9 号道岔侧向通过速度提升可行性研究


Feasibility Study of No.9 Turnout Lateral Passing Speed Acceleration

CAI WenfengTANG TiebingXU Jingmang
为提高地铁9号道岔侧向过岔能力,提出将9号道岔侧向通过速度提升至50km/h,为此设计了5种道岔平面线型方案。 基于车辆-道岔耦合动力学理论,分析不同的道岔平面线型方案对地铁车辆运行平稳性、安全性的影响。经方案比选可得:地铁9号道岔尖轨采用相离半切线型,尖轨尖端理论厚度增加至 2 mm,尖轨冲击角取0.014 1~0.015 3rad,既可提高尖轨的整体耐磨性,也可保证过岔较好的乘坐舒适性;导曲线半径采用 350 m,有利于降低列车经过导曲线 时未被平衡的离心加速度,提高列车过岔舒适性。
In order to improve the turnout lateral passing capacity of No.9 metro turnout,five design schemes are put forward aiming to accelerate the speed to 50 km/h. Based on vehicle-turnout coupling dynamics theory,the influence of different plane alignment schemes on the running stability and safety of metro vehicle is analyzed. A scheme is selected through comparison,by adopting the half-tangent alignment,the switch rail end thickness is 2 mm,the impact angle is 0.0141~0.0153rad. This scheme could improve the wear resistance of the switch rail and guarantee the riding comfort,because the 350 m mediated curve is favorable for the reduction of centrifugal acceleration that is not balanced when the vehicle passes through the mediated curve,thus the turnout passing comfort is improved.
引文 / Ref:
CAI Wenfeng,TANG Tiebing,XU Jingmang.Feasibility study of No.9 turnout lateral passing speed acceleration[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(06):72.