

Reasons for Rail Potential Rise in Urban Rail Transit DC Traction Power Supply and Control Measures

DUAN Lixin
介绍了直流牵引供电系统的构成及回流系统主要设备运行特点。分析了回流系统运行中的钢轨电位超标、钢轨电位限制装置频繁动作,以及闭锁和排流柜元件故障等问题发生的原因。 提出了降低钢轨电位、防止钢轨电位限制装置频繁动作及闭锁现象,以及避免同时投入钢轨电位限制装置及排流柜等控制措施。
With an introduction of the DC traction power supply structure and the characteristics of main equipment running state in reflux system,the reasons for rail potential exceeding standard,frequently movement of rail potential limit equipment and the fault of blocking and discharging cabinet components are analyzed,corresponding measures are proposed to reduce the potential,prevent the frequent action of rail potential limit equipment and locking phenomenon,and avoid imputing control measures like rail potential limit equipment and flow cabinet simultaneously.
引文 / Ref:
DUAN Lixin.Reasons for rail potential rise in urban rail transit DC traction power supply and control measures[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(06):152.