

Opportunities and Challenges of Fully Automatic Operation in the Reconstruction of Existing Metro Lines

WU JiaSHI Hai′ou
基于GoA 4(无人值守下的列车自动运行等级)的全自动无人驾驶系统,在全球各大城市的轨道交通线网中发展迅速,在旧线改造中也得到了广泛应用。通过借鉴巴黎地铁1号线的全自动化改造案例,探讨了全自动驾驶系统在既有线改造中所遇到的困难和挑战。分析了国内城市在旧线改造时利用全自动无人驾驶系统进行升级的必要性和适应性。提出了建立基于远期发展和整体网络的发展战略。实施全自动驾驶系统,运营部门自身的技术和管理能力等也应提高。
The fully automatic operation (FAO) system based on GoA4 develops rapidly in the rail transit networks of major cities around the world, the technology of which has been applied widely in the reconstruction of existed lines. In this paper, referring to the successful experiences of the fully automatic transformation of Paris metro Line 1, the difficulties and challenges encountered by FAO system during the reconstruction of existing lines are discussed in depth. On this basis, the necessity and adaptability of the FAO system upgrading during the old line reconstruction in China are analyzed, suggestions related to the development strategy of FAO system based on the longterm and the overall network development are proposed, the technical and management capabilities of the operation departments should be improved at the same time.
引文 / Ref:
WU Jia,SHI Hai′ou.Opportunities and challenges of fully automatic operation in the reconstruction of existing metro lines[J].Urban Mass Transit,2019,22(08):8.