刘仁福熊 亮魏晓婷陈 宇
Research and Treatment of Vehicle Interior Noise on Guangzhou Metro Line 7
LIU RenfuXIONG LiangWEI XiaotingCHEN Yu
Affiliation:Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd.,510308,Guangzhou,China
Key words:
针对广州地铁 7 号线列车正线行驶时客室噪声较大问题,通过噪声测试,分析车辆结构和轮轨状况等因素对列车噪声的影响,并从列车密封性、钢轨打磨、列车运行速度等方面开展列车运行噪声整治措施研究。研究结果表明,列车运行时客室噪声主要为轮轨噪声,通过钢轨打磨、列车限速、侧门密封性整改等措施可改善客室噪声问题。根据研究结果,提出了地铁车辆减噪设计建议。
In view of great noise during the train operation of Guangzhou Metro Line 7,through a systematic train noise test,the influence characteristics of vehicle design,wheel/rail state and other factors on train noise are analyzed,train running noise control measures are studied from the aspects of train tightness,rail grinding,train running speed and so on. The research shows that the main train noise comes from the wheel and rail,which can be improved by way of rail grinding,train speed limit,side door sealing rectification and so on. This paper provides design suggestions and reference for the study of subway train noise.
引文 / Ref:
刘仁福,熊 亮,魏晓婷,等.广州地铁7号线列客室噪声分析与整治措施[J].城市轨道交通研究,2020,23(4):19.
LIU Renfu,XIONG Liang,WEI Xiaoting,et al.Research and Treatment of Vehicle Interior Noise on Guangzhou Metro Line 7[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(4):19.
LIU Renfu,XIONG Liang,WEI Xiaoting,et al.Research and Treatment of Vehicle Interior Noise on Guangzhou Metro Line 7[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(4):19.
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