
李天一1王 雯2安 震3

Anti-Emulsification Control Method of Lubricating Oil for Screw Air Compressor of Vehicle Brake System

LI TianyiWANG WenAN Zhen
在城市轨道交通车辆调试与运营前期,由于车辆制动系统中的螺杆空压机组运转率较低,导致空压机组中的润滑油容易发生乳化现象。为此,通过防乳化控制方法,使空压机组在每次车辆上电时先连续运转30 min,用于提高润滑油温度,加速润滑油中水分的汽化,避免润滑油乳化现象,提高润滑油使用寿命。
At the early stage of rail transit vehicle debugging and operation,the low air compressor operation rate will easily cause the lubricating oil emulsification of screw air compressor unit. By using the emulsifying control method,the air compressor will run 30 min continuously every time when the vehicle is powered on to improve the lubricating oil temperature of lubricating oil moisture evaporation,avoid the phenomenon of lubricating oil emulsification,aiming to improve the service life of the lubricating oil effectively.
引文 / Ref:
李天一,王 雯,安 震.车辆制动系统螺杆空压机组润滑油防乳化控制方法[J].城市轨道交通研究,2020,23(4):51.
LI Tianyi,WANG Wen,AN Zhen.Anti-Emulsification Control Method of Lubricating Oil for Screw Air Compressor of Vehicle Brake System[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(4):51.