
胡广胜王 菁孙福庆

Detection System of Rail Transit Train Assembly Process Based on Image Recognition

HU GuangshengWANG JingSUN Fuqing
In terms of vehicle assembly process,through the analysis of the assembly and distribution process of EMU,the structure characteristics and working principle of various image recognition systems are compared,the working principle of the image detection system is analyzed. Then,based on the analysis of passing and fixed subsystems ,and the software architecture and composition of the train assembly process detection system are designed.
引文 / Ref:
胡广胜,王 菁,孙福庆.基于图像识别的轨道交通车辆装配过程检测系统[J].城市轨道交通研究,2020,23(4):74.
HU Guangsheng,WANG Jing,SUN Fuqing.Detection System of Rail Transit Train Assembly Process Based on Image Recognition[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(4):74.