
魏灿刚安 震郭宗斌

Fault Analysis of Urban Rail Vehicle Emergency Valve and Improvement Measures

WEI CangangAN ZhenGUO Zongbin
In this paper,the functions and working principle of the emergency valve in the brake control unit of urban rail vehicle,the frequent faults that emergency valve fails to release are introduced. Through bench test,the fault case of emergency valve is analyzed,improvement measures to adjust the parameters of emergency valve solenoid are proposed. The test result shows that after the adjustment,emergency valve can effectively prevent the valve failure problem in break release.
引文 / Ref:
魏灿刚,安 震,郭宗斌.城市轨道交通车辆用紧急阀故障分析及改进措施[J].城市轨道交通研究,2020,23(4):94.
WEI Cangang,AN Zhen,GUO Zongbin.Fault Analysis of Urban Rail Vehicle Emergency Valve and Improvement Measures[J].Urban mass transit,2020,23(4):94.