Test and Analysis of the Track Structure Vibration Characteristics of Sunken Double floor Depot
LUO XinweiWANG ChaohuiLIU WenwuLIU QingjieFENG Qingsong
Affiliation:Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute, 510010, Guangzhou, China
Key words:
为了研究下沉式车辆基地在地铁列车荷载作用下轨道结构的振动特性,对某下沉式车辆基地出入线、出入线岔区、咽喉区非岔区等不同区域轨道结构进行动力测试,分析钢轨和轨道板振动的时域和频域特性。结果表明:各个区域内轨道结构在0~200 Hz频段内对振动的衰减均有一定的效果,有效地衰减钢轨至轨道板的振动,地下二层结构上钢轨的衰减明显高于地下一层;出入线岔区轨道结构测点的振动响应最大,钢轨和轨道板振动加速度幅值均远大于出入线和咽喉区非岔区,应重点关注出入线岔区的减振防护;各个区域中地下一层的轨道板垂向振动要大于地下二层的轨道板垂向振动,其中在16~63 Hz频段两者的差距明显。
In order to study the track structure vibration characteristics of a sunken depot induced by train load, the dynamic test of track structure is conduced in different areas, including access lines, turnout area of access lines and nonturnout area at the track throat. The timedomain and frequencydomain characteristics of rail and track slab vibration are analyzed. The research result shows that the track structure in each region has a certain effect on rail and track slab vibration attenuation within the frequency range of 0~200 Hz, and the vibration attenuation of the second floor underground is significantly higher than that of the sunken first floor. The vibration response of the measuring points of track structure in the turnout area of access lines is the largest, the amplitude of vibration acceleration of rail and track slab is much larger than that of the access lines and the nonturnout area at the track throat. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the vibration reduction protection of the access lines. The vertical vibration of the track slab on the first floor is larger than that on the second floor, and the difference between them is obvious in the frequency range of 16~63 Hz.
- 上一篇: 高铁物流运输模式及其可行性
- 下一篇: 地铁设施不动产三维空间权利范围及确权方法