地铁站台土建结构板上设置站台门 绝缘的原理及方法


Principle and Method of Setting Platform Screen Door Insulation on Metro Platform Structural Slab

MA Jianwen
A method of setting platform screen door insulation on metro platform structural slab is concluded through comprehensive theoretical analysis. Since surface insulation resistance is in negative correlation to air humidity, while in positive correlation to platform screen door insulation, surface insulation resistance should be improved in order to improve the platform screen door insulation. A subversive method of platform door insulation structure is proposed, that is to set insulation on platform civil engineering structure, increasing platform screen door body resistance and surface resistance comprehensively, so that the platform door insulation performance is improved generally.
引文 / Ref:
马建文.地铁站台土建结构板上设置站台门 绝缘的原理及方法[J].城市轨道交通研究,2021,24(5):175.
MA Jianwen.Principle and Method of Setting Platform Screen Door Insulation on Metro Platform Structural Slab[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(5):175.