

Application of Combination of Nested Damping Fastener and Rubber Floating Slab Track

SUN DaxinLI XianboLIU Tiexu
空间严重不足、无法铺设钢弹簧浮置板的情况。提出了在减振垫浮置道床的基础上铺设嵌套式减振扣件的减振组合方案。通过建立车辆轨道结构耦合模型,进行动力仿真计算,分析得出其行车安全性、平稳性指标均合格;并组织了实车减振效果测试,测试表明减振组合方案减振效果良好,可减振16 dB以上。
Due to the large deviation of a project tunnel in construction, the space for track laying is seriously insufficient, and the steel spring floating slab track cannot be laid. A vibration damping combination scheme proposes to lay a nested damping fastener on rubber floating slab track. By establishing vehicle track structure coupling model, the dynamic simulation calculation is carried out. The results show that the vehicle safety and stability indexes are all qualified. The vibration reduction test shows that the damping combination scheme has good damping effect and can reduce vibration by more than 16 dB.
引文 / Ref:
SUN Daxin,LI Xianbo,LIU Tiexu.Application of Combination of Nested Damping Fastener and Rubber Floating Slab Track[J].Urban mass transit,2021,24(6):224.