

Study of Asymmetrical Rail Profile in Metro Curve Section

LIN FengtaoLI ZhiheHU WeihaoLIU BaochenZHU Shaoguang
  • 作者信息:
    1.华东交通大学载运工具与装备教育部重点实验室, 330013, 南昌;
    2.中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司, 100081, 北京;
    3.中国铁路南昌局集团有限公司鹰潭机务段, 330013, 南昌
  • Affiliation:
    State Key Laboratory of Vehicle and Equipment, East China Jiaotong University, 330013, Nanchang, China
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提出多弧段钢轨廓形拟合方法:以圆弧半径以及圆弧相切点横坐标为设计变量,以轮轨接触点横向分布密度函数、轮轴横向力最小为目标函数,采用统计方法设定参数边界条件,建立非对称性钢轨廓形设计模型,并运用遗传算法对该模型进行求解,得到地铁曲线段外轨非对称性钢轨廓形。建立车辆系统动力学及轮轨接触力学模型,对设计的非对称钢轨廓形进行动力学性能评价以及磨耗分析。结果表明,与采用TB60型面钢轨廓形相比,非对称性钢轨廓形基本不影响车辆动力学性能;同时,非对称性钢轨廓形改善了轮轨接触关系;钢轨顶面横坐标为0~25 mm区间内的轮轨接触斑分布密度为86.18%,非对称性廓形钢轨较TB60型面增加了35.21%;在通过车次分别为5.0×105次和1.0×106次的条件下,非对称性廓形钢轨的磨耗深度最大位置较TB60型面向轨顶中心移动5 mm,降低了钢轨的非正常磨耗。
In this paper, the multi-arc rail profile fitting method is proposed, which regards the arc radius and the abscissa of arc tangent point as the design variables, the horizontal distribution density function of the wheelrail contact point and the minimum axle lateral force as the objective functions. Then, by determining the parametric boundary conditions through statistical approach, an asymmetric rail grinding design model is established. The genetic algorithm is used to solve the rail profile design model so as to obtain the asymmetric grinding profile of the outer curve of metro curve section. Next, through the establishment of vehicle system dynamics and wheel-rail contact mechanics model, the dynamic performance evaluation and the wear analysis of the designed asymmetric rail profile are carried out. The results show that the asymmetric grinding profile does not affect the vehicle dynamic performance compared with the TB60 rail profile grinding method, at the same time, the former improves the wheel-rail contact relationship. In the range of 0~25 mm on the rail top surface, the distribution density of wheel-rail contact spot is 86.18%, while that of the asymmetric grinding profile is 35.21% higher than TB60. Under the condition of passing train number being 5.0×105 and 1.0×106 respectively, the maximum wear depth of the asymmetric grinding profile rail moves 5 mm towards the rail top center than TB60 rail, which effectively reduces the abnormal rail wear.
引文 / Ref:
LIN Fengtao,LI Zhihe,HU Weihao,et al.Study of asymmetrical rail profile in metro curve section[J].Urban Mass Transit,2021,24(10):75.