基于IEC 61373:2010的轨道交通列车车轮踏面清扫器振动冲击试验
Vibration Impact Test of Rail Transit Train Wheel Tread Cleaner Based on IEC 61373:2010 Standard
MA XuanMA YuqiangWANG YueXU JieJIA Ze
作者信息:1.中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司科技管理部, 130062, 长春
2.中车戚墅堰机车车辆工艺研究所有限公司, 213011, 常州
3.中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司安技环保部,130062, 长春
4.中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司国家轨道客车工程研究中心, 130062, 长春
Affiliation:Science and Technology Management Department, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd., 130062, Changchun, China
Key words:
介绍了轨道交通列车车轮踏面清扫器的结构与功能。参照IEC 61373:2010的要求,对实车采集的振动载荷进行了等效计算。设计了试验方案,对踏面清扫器进行了横向、纵向和垂向等3个方向的模拟长寿命振动试验、冲击试验和功能性随机振动试验。结果表明,在目前的试验条件下,踏面清扫器各零部件未出现明显裂痕,性能未受到影响。
The structure and functions of rail transit train tread cleaner are introduced. According to the requirements of IEC 61373: 2010 standard, an equivalent calculation of vibration load collected from real vehicle is carried out. Then, a test scheme is designed, in which simulation long-life vibration test, impact test and functional random vibration test of the tread cleaner in transverse, longitudinal and vertical directions are implemented. The test results show that under present test conditions, no obvious cracks in each part of tread cleaner are detected, and the performance of tread cleaner is not affected.
引文 / Ref:
马玄, 马玉强, 王悦, 等. 基于IEC 61373:2010的轨道交通列车车轮踏面清扫器振动冲击试验. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(2): 47.
MA Xuan, MA Yuqiang, WANG Yue, et al. Vibration impact test of rail transit train wheel tread cleaner based on IEC 61373:2010 standard. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(2): 47.
MA Xuan, MA Yuqiang, WANG Yue, et al. Vibration impact test of rail transit train wheel tread cleaner based on IEC 61373:2010 standard. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(2): 47.