

Field Measurement Research of Surface Temperature Distribution and Vertical Deflection of Low-speed Maglev Track Steel Box Girder

LIU MingboYE FengZENG GuofengGong Junhu
Certain section of steel box girder at Shanghai Lingang low-speed maglev experiment base is taken as research subjective, and long term monitoring is conducted on the surface temperature and vertical deflection of steel box girder surface. The probability distribution characteristics of temperature difference between steel box girder top and bottom surfaces and the equivalent linear temperature difference of the steel box girder derived from the deflection are investigated. Analysis results show that the weighted probability model of the Weibull and Normal distributions can be used to describe the probability density distribution of the positive and negative temperature differences. The standard value of steel box girder vertical surface temperature difference with certain recurrence interval is determined accordingly. The measured vertical surface temperature difference and the equivalent linear temperature difference generally fits linear relationship, and the coefficient is obtained by least squares fitting.
引文 / Ref:
LIU Mingbo, YE Feng, ZENG Guofeng, et al. Field measurement research of surface temperature distribution and vertical reflection of low-speed Maglev track steel box girder [J].Urban mass transit, 2022,25(3):1.