ATP System Protection Distance Optimization Based on Vehicle Braking Delay
BU DengbingChen Shaowen
作者信息:卡斯柯信号有限公司, 200071, 上海∥第一作者, 工程师
Affiliation:CASCO Signal Ltd., 200071, Shanghai, China
Key words:
简要阐述了城市轨道交通ATP(列车自动防护)系统防护距离计算原理,计算分析了车辆制动延迟时间参数优化前后的列车ATP系统最小防护距离。经对实际项目计算,当车辆制动延时减少30%时,列车的ATP系统最小防护距离缩短24.7%,单条停车线长度实际可减少6 m。研究结果表明:通过缩短车辆制动延时,可有效减少列车的ATP系统最小防护距离,进而缩短停车线长度,减小停车列检库的占地面积。
The urban rail transit ATP (automatic train protection) system protection distance calculation principle is expounded briefly. The ATP system minimum protection distance before and after optimization of vehicle braking delay time parameter is calculated and analyzed. Through calculation of actual project, when the vehicle braking delay is reduced by 30%, the ATP system minimum protection distance is shortened by 24.7%, and single parking line length can actually be reduced by 6.00 m. Research results show that by shortening vehicle braking delay, the ATP system minimum protection distance can be effectively shortened, further reducing parking line length and the area of parking inspection garage.
引文 / Ref:
布登兵, 陈绍文. 基于车辆制动延时的列车自动防护系统防护距离优化. 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 25(4): 105.
BU Dengbing, Chen Shaowen. ATP system protection distance optimization based on vehicle braking delay. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(4): 105.
BU Dengbing, Chen Shaowen. ATP system protection distance optimization based on vehicle braking delay. Urban Mass Transit, 2022, 25(4): 105.
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