城市轨道交通综合调度指挥系统自感应 数据集成方案的实现


Realization of Self-induction Data Integration Scheme for Urban Rail Transit Integrated Dispatching and Control System

ZHANG ZhenshanXIAO ShengHAO Mingming
A more reliable data integration mode between urban rail transit IDCS (integrated dispatching and control system) and signaling system need to be designed to ensure that problems in data access will not cause a series of chain problems. The data integration mode of the existing rail transit IDCS and signaling system is introduced. Combined with the FAO system requirements, a redundant, self-inductive multi-point data integration method is designed with the station passage as the center passage. So that the station and IDCS center passages realize self-induction switching and alarm information load balancing transmission, improving the reliability of IDCS.