

System Function Requirements of Intercity Railway CBTC in Shenzhen Metropolitan Area

CHEN Hengyu
与现有的城市轨道交通CBTC(基于通信的列车控制)系统相比,深圳都市圈城际铁路CBTC在列车运行速度等级、互联互通功能和系统架构上存在较大差异,目前国内尚未出台城际铁路CBTC的相关标准。通过研究深圳都市圈城际铁路的运输需求,对城际铁路CBTC下的运营间隔、160~200 km/h速度下列车控制、车地通信及互联互通等方面的适应性进行分析,设计了深圳都市圈城际铁路CBTC的系统架构,提出该CBTC系统在网络化、高速化和自动化等方面的需求。建议尽快研究并编制深圳都市圈城际铁路CBTC标准体系技术规范,为城际铁路信号系统的建设、验收、运营及维护等工作提供标准及技术指导。
Compared to the existing urban rail transit CBTC (communication based train control), the intercity railway CBTC in Shenzhen metropolitan area is quite different in terms of train operation speed level, interconnection function and system architecture. Currently, relevant standards for intercity railway CBTC have not been issued in China. By studying the transportation needs of intercity railways in Shenzhen metropolitan area, the adaptability of operation intervals in intercity railway CBTC, train control at 160~200 km/h speed, vehicle-wayside communication and interconnection is analyzed. Through the design of intercity railway CBTC system architecture in Shenzhen metropolitan area, the requirements of CBTC system innetworking, high-speed and automation are proposed. It is suggested that technical specifications of CBTC standard system for the intercity railway in Shenzhen metropolitan area should be studied and compiled as soon as possible, so as to provide standards and technical guidance for the construction, acceptance, operation and maintenance of the intercity railway signaling system.