

CAD to GIS Data Conversion Technology and the Application in Metro Protection Patrol System

PENG DaGAO XiuqiangZHANG Wenguo
针对地铁建设过程中,CAD(计算机辅助设计)格式数据难以被二次处理或调用分析的问题,运用FME(空间操纵引擎)数据转换思想,将Shapefile格式数据作为CAD格式数据与可在地图上直观展示的商用GIS(地理信息系统)数据相互转换的中间媒介,同时结合GIS领域的数据渲染及空间分析技术,实现了CAD格式数据与 GIS地图的融合处理。最终,研发了一套巡查管理系统,其功能包括:巡检人员实时作业轨迹记录、在建项目与地铁保护区的外轮廓范围相对位置展示、最近距离测算、地铁保护区范围在实景三维城市模型中的叠加展示。
In view of the problem that the CAD (computer aided design) format data is hard to be reprocessed or analyzed during metro construction, by using the FME (feature manipulation engine) data conversion idea, the Shapefile format data is taken as an intermediate format for the conversion of CAD format data to commercial GIS (geographic information system) data that can be visually displayed on the map. At the same time, combined with the data rendering and spatial analysis technology in the GIS field, the fusion processing of CAD format data and GIS map is realized. Finally, a set of inspection management system is developed, with functions including real-time operation trajectory recording of inspection personnel, display of the relative position of the projects under construction and the outer contour of metro protection area, the closest distance measurement, and the superimposed display of the scope of metro protection area in 3D city realistic model.